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The School of Mystery & Magick

Individually, Sue Edwards and Alan Jones have presented workshops and courses on Magick, The Esoteric and The Occult for three decades. In 2014 they createdThe School of Mystery and Magick in Cornwall.

TSMM - Tarot Masterclass

An online course in The Tarot.


The Tarot is a vehicle for self-development and personal and spiritual exploration.​ Lessons are published monthly and you can study them at your own pace. That's the beauty of online learning. 



TSMM - Lessons in The Occult

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An online course introducing Occult Philosophy and Practices.


Lessons are delivered monthly and can be reviewed and studied at your own pace. 



Recordings of Monthly Online Moots

Every month, the School of Mystery and Magick offers an online Moot (talk) that is FREE to attend. These moots are recorded and made available to subscribers.  Currently, we have a library of over 40 hours of recordings on a wide range of Occult and Esoteric topics.


As a subscriber, you can view and review the recordings as many times as you like and have access to new recordings each month.


What topics?


Here's a list of the currently available recordings.


​​​​​You get access to these recordings here.




Invitations to attend the Moot live (free) are sent to subscribers of our FREE Newsletter which you can find here.​




Coming Soon...

The TSMM course in Wicca and Witchcraft.


We are in the process of turning our 13 Moon course on The Craft, which until now has been face-to-face, into an online offering,


If you are interested, then get in touch to be the first to receive a pre-launch invite.

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